All About Us
Our mission is simple, to bring fresh baked artisan sourdough to our City and beyond. North Wind Bread Company is an Artisan Bakery in, Middletown, NY. Specializing in Sourdough Bread, Laminated Pastries, Soups, Salads & Sandwiches, Coffee, Teas & Homemade Beverages. Started by the owners of Oak & Reed, the bread and pastries produced at North Wind Bread Company will feature the same high standards for locally sourced products, attention to detail and freshness.
In keeping with our namesake, North Wind Bread Company is an homage to another Aesop Fable, The North Wind and the Sun. In this fable, there is a competition between the North Wind and the Sun to decide which is the stronger of the two. The challenge was to make a passing traveler remove his cloak. However hard the North Wind blew, the traveler only wrapped his cloak tighter, but when the Sun shone, the traveler was overcome with heat and had to take his cloak off.
In essence, kindness prevails over force and gentleness does more than violence. A lesson in morality that could be heeded by all but is a driving force in how we strive to operate our businesses and our personal lives.
Oh, we also like to bake good bread.